Planetarium Shows

Planetarium shows are a particular area of interest to us and therefore have become an area of speciality. This ‘fulldome’ medium is broadcast on a hemispherical screen above the viewer providing an immersive experience. If you are looking for music for planetarium shows as well as audio services and 5.1 audio mixing for your production – get in touch.


Planetarium shows differ from standard video presentation in 2 ways:

  1. The large 360 degree screen allows for a much wider placement of sounds and musical elements than standard flatscreen. 5.1 surround sound is often used to reinforce the ‘immersed’ sensation for the audience, reinforcing the ‘all-sky’ visuals.
  2. The content is usually a mixture of entertainment and education. Documentary like content is made more engaging using dramatisations and action sequences. This affects the mood, tone and pacing that a soundtrack has.



Domeshow visuals appear as a circle when viewed on a flatscreen. This presents extra challenges in production of surround sound music and sound effects. We work closely with Auckland’s Stardome Observatory to test planetarium audio.


Dedicated planetarium show music can bring a presentation to life and add a level of engagement which enhances planetariums’ goals of entertaining guests and communicating science!

Hear samples from our latest planetarium show – Stories in the Sky

Without narration.


With narration.


Some planetarium shows we have worked on: